Visitor Guide
We encourage visitors to Greenwood Cemetery during daylight hours all throughout the year. Whether you are visiting a distant relative or a recently lost loved one or are just in need of a place to walk and meditate in solitude, you are welcome. Greenwood Cemetery is an active cemetery, and, as such, we ask visitors to be respectful and to follow the rules which help ensure a setting conducive to peaceful reflection.
Rules for visitors
The two main gates on Greenwood Street (one at 111 Greenwood Street and one just behind the office at 105 Greenwood Street) open daily — spring, summer and fall — at 7 a.m. They close automatically at a posted time which is as close to dusk as possible. The gates at Sheridan Road and Eppler Road are used at the discretion of cemetery staff, usually for maintenance or community events. Office hours are 8am-4pm, Monday through Friday year round.
In the winter, when snow and ice make the narrow, winding roads of the cemetery impassable, the gates are closed to vehicles. However, you may park at the office at 105 Greenwood Street and use the walk-through gate to walk, hike, snowshoe, even cross-country ski into the cemetery if you wish.
If you get locked in after the gates close, call 911. The personnel there will contact cemetery staff or local law enforcement to open the gate.
Any person in the cemetery in the hours between gate closing time and 7 a.m. will be considered "trespassing."

Avoid being a distraction to those who may be grieving. With so many curves and hills in Greenwood Cemetery, you may inadvertently come across someone you didn't see before. Be respectful and always assume someone else is at the cemetery for peace and quiet.
Do not intrude or "gawk" at a funeral procession or service. Take another route whenever possible.
Do not play music out loud.
No activity which involves running, throwing, shouting.
No skateboards.
This is a cemetery rule, but it is also the law in the city of Petoskey. We have, unfortunately, witnessed people letting their dogs off-leash and are seriously considering not allowing pets at all. Please, for the sake of safety and in keeping the peace for all of our two- and four-legged friends, do not ruin it for everyone else. If we see your dog off-leash, we may involve the police and ask you to not come back.
Pick up after your pet. As a service, we provide bags and receptacles for dog waste at the east and west end of the cemetery.

A complete set of rules for lot owners involving ownership, plantings, decorations and more is available HERE